Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A (“Eletrobras” Latibex: XELTO/XELTB) were constituted by Law No. 3,890-A, of June 11, 1962, as a publicly held company. It has been operating for 58 years in generation, transmission and commercialization of electric power in Brazil and abroad, as well as it has been conducting research and services focused on energy efficiency and development of the Brazilian electricity sector.
Eletrobras operates in the generation, transmission and commercialization of electric power in the country and contributes to making the Brazilian energy matrix one of the cleanest and most renewable in the world. On December 31, 2019, Brazil reached an installed capacity of 170 GW, of which Eletrobras contributed 30% or 51 GW. Out of this total, 23.6% is equivalent to their proportional participation in projects carried out through Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) and 15.5% comes from shared ventures, including half of Itaipu Binacional's capacity (7,000 MW).
Around 96% of the Company's installed capacity comes from sources with low greenhouse gas emissions (“GHG”), such as solar, nuclear, wind and hydraulic, thus pursuing the mission and vision of its Strategic Planning. Considering its participation in the country's electric matrix, in 2019, regarding the total sources with low GHG emissions installed, 42% belong to Eletrobras.
The transmission lines network of the Eletrobras Companies reached, on December 31, 2019, approximately 71 thousand km, of which 64.1 thousand belong to Eletrobras System's corporate lines and 7 thousand km correspond to Eletrobras' participation in SPEs (Specific Purpose Entities). Considering only the basic network of the National Interconnected System (SIN), that means, the voltages of ± 800, 750, ± 600, 525/500, 345 and 230 kV, the Company is responsible for 64.8 thousand km of transmission lines, which represents about 45.25% of the total of lines in Brazil in the referred tensions.